Friday, April 9, 2010


Those of you who know and love me (Well, let's face it...if you know me at all you have to love me.) are well aware of my Chelisms, as my daddy calls them.

Chelisms: n accidentally, or intentionally mix up words and their proper definitions and/or pronunciations. 2. To altogether use the wrong word in the exact wrong context but keep carrying on the conversation like it was exactly correct.

I will share one example (Shout out to Jack. AKA: BFF)
Once I was telling BFF that I had bought my son some new converse sneakers. Those of you with street knowledge of shoes, know that these can be called Chuck Taylor's. Sooooooo, I referred to them as Chuck Norris'. But, I went on talking for a bit, before we both busted up laughing.

The most famous example of the "Chelism" is when I was in college. I was very upset about a girl. I exclaimed to my mom: "She is creating such a fuckus. Wait. Is that a word?" I, of course, mixed up "fuss" with "ruckus." It's a word, now, though!

The reason I am admitting this to you is this morning a "Chelism" came up that I just thought I should share. A friend and I were talking about kids getting up in the middle of the night. I explained that I shut my sons' door, and don't hear from them until morning. It's a magical time that this mommy looks forward to every night. My friend went on to say she just can't shut their door. What if someone came in? (My thought is if that person went to so much trouble as to climb the fence, climb up the second story, Pry open their locked window, proceed to carry the kids out of the window....they obviously don't know Lucas, and would probably return him within the hour.) ANYWHO....I responded "I don't worry about noises. Our dog RJ has EARS LIKE A HAWK"

Not sure, but I don't think this is right.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The birth of "My sons and shoes"

I recently was informed of my ignorance of the blogging world. Well, "she" didn't mean to call me ignorant, but sadly, that is the case. I thought I was on top of the cyberworld since I speak fluent Facebook. Little did I know there was this whole other world of ways to waste my time!! Which is what I clearly need as a mom of two little boys.

So, let's start off with the title of my blog: My sons and shoes. Two of the loves of my life. (Depending on the day....not necessarily in that order.) It all began six years ago with the birth of my first little critter. Seriously. If I had known that I wasn't going to fit into any of my tiny clothes EVER again, I may have thought a little harder. But, I didn't. However, the one thing on my body that didn't change was my shoe size. THANK GOODNESS!! Because....I....LOVE....SHOES. I do. I really do. Flats, wedges, heels, athletic, designer, black, brown,'s all good.

I also want to start this blog off with the truth that I am a Christian woman. And a stay at home mom. And a professional piano player. All three of these facts would lead one to believe that I am boring and like to wear Candies or Keds. But I think that these parts of my life only fuels the fire that is my orneriness. I love TWSS jokes and love to tease my husband and friends relentlessly about anything I can!

Chances are that if you are reading this, you already know these things about me, because I highly doubt that my life is interesting enough for anyone who doesn't know me to follow my blog. Having stated that, I am not sure what I am going to do with this thing. (TWSS) I may never write on it again, or I may dive into it and let you all into the craziness that is the life of living with two ridiculously cute little boys that love fart jokes and sounds. And a husband that is my exact opposite in so many ways. (I am the normal one, of course.) Living in the desert southwest and and trying to live parallel lives with family and friends that live 2000 miles away. And, of course, my shoe obsession. Now you're hooked, aren't ya?

Friends don't let Friends wear Crocs