Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wii need new shoes

So, Santa brought the kids a new wii this past Christmas. I was all for it because our boys don't need any more toys. Everyone in this house that has the male gene is obsessed. It is super fun and all, but I just can't take it all day, every day! (TWSS.) The sound of the monster trucks destroying everything is loud and obnoxious! The wonderful music of Supermario gets very old and distracting. (It especially upsets me when I wake up with it in my head. Seriously?) And I am also tired of my litte mii telling me that it has been too long since I did my wii fitness. I feel like saying, "Listen here you little mii, I just went to the gym and burned 500 calories on the treadmill. Take that mii-otch!!"

However, as maddening as it all is, it is a wonderful time where my kids LOVE each other, and I hear giggles coming from the living room. Ya gotta love that. I was trying to convince myself to sit down and play Mario with them, (since they keep asking me over and over and over), and I decided that what I NEED is a special pair of shoes to put on while we are playing wii. Maybe some cute Coach thongs? Or some Juicy sneakers? Or some cozy Ugg slippers? Just something I can slip on, feel happy, and then proceed to fall into the deep wii coma with my kids.

BTW: this is what a good mom I am.....Today is MOTHER'S DAY and guess who got new shoes? The boys. I didn't even look at the women's shoes. I know, I know. I should get some kind of award. Next year, I'm sure.

Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Just remember that you don't want to be haunted with guilt by not playing with your kids. Just sayin. hehe
